Saturday, November 13, 2010

ANC 2010 Collection Photoshoot!

For the last six weeks we've been racing the clock, covered in piles of tulle, pearls, crystals - and today, we got to see it all come together!  We had a GORGEOUS day for our first photoshoot and we must immediately extend our thanks to the wonderful Shannon Sorensen for her expert photography and the beautiful Ms Liz for her modeling talents!  (Incidentally, Liz is also the genius behind Blush Design Studio and creates the most delightful custom letterpress designs - blog posts on the work of both these ladies coming soon because you will want to know about them...)

(Keep in mind, of course, that these shots are me with my Sony Cyber-Shot, flitting around the edges of the real work being done.  More like 'photos-of-photos'.  Wait until you see Shannon's take...)

Our hosts for the shoot were Brian and Dawn Fitzgerald, owners of the Proctor Mansion Inn.  The Inn is a beautiful second-empire French Victorian mansion, a historic landmark which was built in 1861 and has been recently restored and opened as a boutique Bed & Breakfast.  Did we ever have fun pretending we lived there for a few hours!  They graciously gave us the run of the mansion and we couldn't have asked for a more beautiful backdrop.  The period details of the house (carved moldings, marble fireplaces, stained glass windows, I could go on and on...) have been lovingly restored to their original splendor and are now accented by some seriously desirable antiques - we put on a little vintage jazz and had ourselves a party!

Ahhh, could our morning have been any more fabulous?  I can't say 'thank you' enough to Shannon and Liz for their continued commitment in terms of things like 'holding still in uncomfortable positions / balancing precariously on ancient chairs / standing around in the chilly November air, trying to make it look like it's seventy degrees out when it's obviously fifty-five'.  I can honestly say that neither modeling or photography are easy.  Talented people make it look easy.  We mostly just stood on the sidelines and did a happy dance to see our creations finally take flight!  It really made all of our hard work over the last few weeks seem more than worth it.  We can't wait to show you the finished products of this shoot!

For now, we're going to breathe a deep sigh of relief (and maybe some sadness?) that our sample line is complete and our initial production phase is finished.  Actually, it might be kind of tricky for us to focus on things like web design and business cards if there is ANY tulle or sparkly stuff in the vicinity!  But we'll do our best...unless, of course, one of us happens upon some really spectacular beading or trim....because we can't seem to stop...

See you on the website!  Coming soon!
